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Tag: FPGA miner

AtomMiner Mining Pool

We’ve been working hard on our miners and algorithms and now pleased to introduce you our very own mining pool. Right now we only have

Nist5 Algorithm on AtomMiner Platform

Here’s another update on algorithms/coins supported by AtomMiner. Today we’ve managed to fit Nist5 algorithm created with HLS into KC705 kit board. Since Nist5 is

Crypto Mining and Grpaph Theory

I’ve come across SAT solver approach applied to bitcoin mining by Jonathan Heusser again and his thoughts on alternative to brute force mining made me

Update on Gr0estl FPGA implementation

Been playing with HLS and algorithms pretty much the whole week and was able to achieve sufficient hashrate gain on Gr0estl algo (read GRS coin).

Gr0estl Algo on AtomMiner platform

We’re one step closer to Monero by prototyping Gr0estl algorithm to work on AtomMiner Platform. The idea was to build version Alpha prototype that works

Crypto Development Poll Results

We’ve had our ‘Which Crypto Coin algorithm should we implement next?’ Poll open for a good couple of months and now it feels like it is

Project Sources and Help

First of all, We wanted to say thank you to everybody who have sent us emails with all your questions and ideas! Your feedback is

Blake256 Potocol Labview Testbench

Blake256 algorithm was one of the SHA3 candidates but didn’t win the competition that while being more secure compared to SHA256. Blake256 is used in